Cool! I think that you yourself may be an intelligent reptile of sorts because this was very convincing. You aren’t harboring any significant secrets are you? and how on earth do you type!?
I’ve seen him do it. It takes time, but with a large keyboard, and very tactile claws, he’s gotten pretty fast. You should see him play DDR. Now that’s a feat.
This is fantastic. Finding out people’s variations of dragons is always interesting and this is a solid piece of writing along with it. I like the style you’ve gone for, treating them as more of an animal than a wise lore master or greedy thief, the two stereotypes that spring to my mind at the word ‘dragon’. The alternating paragraphs work beautifully, easy to follow and very engaging.
Well I’m glad to see such positive reviews. Thanks everyone. I like the world that it belongs to so I’ll try to sequel something out within the week. The style is something I’ve tried before but I’m happy with the way this one turned out.
Lovely and lyrical, even if I’m not entirely sure who is who or what is what. Eh, poetry can be that way. I loved the meter and flow of the line about skyward, leftward, rightward.
Oh boy. Thank you very much, and thank you again for all the nice words and comments. As soon as school calms down I’ll be able to focus my attention on the series. Promise.
Concerned Reader
The Third Robot
Concerned Reader
Mostly Harmless
H.S. Wift
Concerned Reader
Magus Kyros
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
THX 0477
Concerned Reader
Magus Kyros