
Treasure Island

His dull ancient eyes watched tentatively as the boarding party came ashore his island. It wasn’t the first time he would have had to deal with humans; hopefully it wouldn’t be his last. The thought of discovery and death echoed in his mind as he sat perched upon the volcano rim.

He had been alone for the past 1000 years and his instinct told him he was the last of his kind.

His treasures were great and plentiful, though they haven’t grown. His scales were dull and tarnished from age. His wisdom was greater than ever but what good is that compared to guns and cannons?

He had survived for a millennium in isolation and had no plans on changing that. He didn’t like change. He did like man-flesh however, and thinking of a tasty meal, he flew off of the precipice upon his vast wings, letting out a mighty roar.

The humans below looked up in awe. Chances are they didn’t take the lore of the island seriously. Well, needless to say they were in for a surprise.

Who knows? Perhaps they have some treasure for him.

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