Since the name of the ship, I take it, was Icarus, I’m assuming that the ship was intended to follow something similar to the real-life Project Icarus, intercepting a still far-off but still threatening asteroid on a brachistochrone trajectory. They’d probably have a secondary fuel source launched prior located at it, and they could swap out their cargo for a fuel store, which would get them home sooner (and probably with a more consistent 1-g acceleration).
I LOVE it… great sequel!!!!! Great techno-speak… and great keeping with the initial "what the hell is happening’ feel of my initial opening…. That’s what i love about this place… sequeling without fear is just the best way to create some fantastic fiction..
I really, really like this piece. It’s very serious, unapologetic hard science fiction and I love it. I do question the possibility of constructing a 600-meter long ship, though. Torsional stress could easily build up to steel-ripping levels, and any course corrections would have to be very slow to avoid that. Otherwise, good hardcore hard sci-fi. Bravo.