
Surprise(d) Visitors

The crew were assembled just out of range of the sparking cacophony erupting from where the alien ship was sidled up against their own. There was nothing they could do. They were weaponless; they had no defensive means. Herb was having a fit of excitement.

With a final screech of metal, the beings were before them. Too alien to describe, their rust colored skin was chitinous, they were gaunt and hairy in odd places, they had no discernible head and specialized organs seemed to sprout off the thin trunk randomly. There they stood.

Herb was more excited than he had ever been in his entire life and they just stood there. Doing nothing. Not attacking or communicating. Just standing.

Outraged and half-crazed, he raised his gun which he had kept hidden and secret, and rocketed bullets through the fleshiest, most vulnerable looking appendages. With a noise unlike any other, they crumpled, oozing onto the floor.

Herb snapped. His manic laughter echoed as his crew subdued him. He’d finally had his fun.

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