WELLDONE!! I genuinely expected a murder or something knowing your writing style. You did great stepping out of your comfort zone although I agree with Robot on the negatives. You might have a talent for romance yet. (wink) Abby x
You’ve got some major grammar thingies going on here. The biggest one I can see is this sentence: “Have you ever loved someone so much that when you are around her?” It’s a bit of a fragment.
Then here: "Courage hit me on the head a while later, though. The school trip to Brittany, nearing the end. " Is really stilted. You might combine the two sentences, or rearrange them to flow better.
Wait PJ… still just meaningful (one l) even for us Americans. I agree with the other comments, but I must say I love the ending. I seems cynical, that all we can hope for is our love to be recognized, not reciprocated, but I appreciate that sentiment.