
Something Older Than Dragons 3

“That’s what I couldn’t figure out. Why dragons? They could get just as much magic from elves or fairies. And they like them more then dragons,” Helio mummbled. Woni shot up.
“Let’s just walk into town, and snatch that Fa…Fran…what’s his face, and make him tell us!” Woni exclaimed.
“Oh yeah. Great idea. Then they can start shooting arrows, and chase us with sword!” Saleno snapped back. Woni, upset, sat back down.
“Well, I could just zip in and zip out with the guy. You know I’m fast enough, and no one will see me if I go at night,” Jenim suggested. Saleno considered it, but shook her head. Then she grinned evily.
“No. If they want dragons, they’ll get dragons. We’ll just show them that they made the wrong decision,” Saleno said, still grinning.

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