Ha. Druids are dicks. I was entertained I must say, didn’t expect it.
Ha. Druids are dicks.
I was entertained I must say, didn’t expect it.
Oh, and I totally get your “casting into the darkness”.
Thanks dude, your comments on the prequel is what inspired this. Too bad I couldn’t figure out a way to fit in a “Where’s the Mountain Dew?” Oh well, maybe in the sequel.
Thanks dude, your comments on the prequel is what inspired this. Too bad I couldn’t figure out a way to fit in a “Where’s the Mountain Dew?”
Oh well, maybe in the sequel.
I like, I like. Brilliant carry-on, although I think you’ve gone on a D&D route, which I would be stupid to follow…
knife-ear? A potential Dragon Age: Origins influence here, methinks?
Why make up fantasy racial slurs when you can borrow from the best?