
It watches

The Machine Fortress watched with its network of orbiting eyes. The eyes turned and rotated in the heavens, peering down from above at the humans below. The eyes had seen them organize. The eyes had seem them unite. And the eyes had seen them set off to conquer the fortress.

The Filthy Five Hundred left a plume of dust that was spotted immediately. They were the largest human force mustered since the cleansing but an orbital nuclear response would wipe them out completely, erasing them from existence. The Machine Fortress could crush them all, but who would know?

An example needed to be made of them. Humanity’s morale must be crushed again. The Machine Fortress would let them approach, allowing them safe passage up to the minefields and gas valves.

Let the mines thin them, the gas choke them, the guns cut them down, and the artillery break them to pieces.

And let the survivors retreat across that dying land so that they may tell the tale. Let their children’s children fear the dangers of this land.

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