The thing that made this story all the better for me was the repeated references to church/religion. Makes it seem so much more… sadistic I guess.
Obviously the character isn’t your typical thug, however I do believe that pocketing the cash and alerting the police don’t coincide very well. I think that one or the other would have been better.
Lastly, separate your paragraphs or I will kill you. With lazers.
Thank you for the comment, it is my first here at Ficly. So I will likely remember you forever. I will try to separate my paragraphs better in the future to avoid death (especially by lazers). Side note- originally in the story the two were lovers, but all of those references were cut to give the story focus. I see what you mean though. Thanks again!
I like the juxtaposition of psychopathy and post-hoc humanitarianism. He beats her, robs her, then provides a way for her to get help. It’s a complicated psychological mix.
As far as paragraph spacing, I’d recommend you edit this piece and add the spacing in. You’ve got the room to spread it out a little, and it’ll make it easier for your readers. Of course, I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so this is just one man’s opinion. :)