Awesomeness Report
Today, March 10th, is the International Day of Awesomeness. I planned, set goals, and managed to have a fairly awesome day. My awesomeness included but was not limited to:
1) Took ridiculous action shots in the office, when I should have been doing something more serious.
2) Brought flowers home to my awesome wife.
3) For the first ten days of March, here in two thousand ten, I managed to write at least one ficly and comment on ten by other authors. It seemed to have an awesome roundness to it.
I don’t claim to be all that awesome, but that’s what I did. Next year I hope to do stuff that is even more awesome. In fact, I hope I can be awesome all year long.
I realize the holiday itself is rather silly, but herein lies the purpose of all the silliness. It’s an opportunity to try and be awesome. Then that awesomeness can serve as a reminder that awesomeness, excellence, and just generally giving a crap about the quality of your self and your life, should be more of a consideration.