
Leaving home

Lee Jenkins walked away from his childhood home fighting back tears as he knew deep down he was never going to see his family again. It wasn’t the way his Pa acted, it was he could understand things far beyond his age. “You have the wisdom of an ol’ man.” Lee’s Ma would often say. He looked back at his home and saw his Pa sitting down on his workbench, as Lee often did watching his Pa work. He was always fascinated with the ways of a gunmaker. He started to learn the trade from his Pa a few years ago, but was not as good as his Pa was. Soon, Lee would have to carry on that tradition.

As soon as he passed the hill, he laid down on his belly looking over the edge to see his family. He knew he should go, but didn’t want to. Not just yet.

Lee stared as his Ma hung laundry on the line, battling the bed sheets as they blew in the wind.

When Lee couldn’t look anymore, he got up and started walking.

The train awaited as did his destiny.

His apprenticeship was about to begin.

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