
Blue eyed beast

One night, I had just gotten up, which was odd, because it had been happening often since the night I got bitten by the strange deformed child. But the odd thing was that it only happened when there was a full moon, or no moon. I remember that night, looking into those beastly, and crystal clear blue eyes. And every since then, my eyes have gotten strangely bluish gold. Then, all at once, I had the sudden urge to run. As I entered the the forest in my backyard, I felt a sudden jolt of pain, starting at my upper back side of my throat, going all the way down to the very heels of my feet.=And as I was running, I felt as if my face was forming into a new, and terrorizing form. But unfortunately, I woke up, on the side of a tree trunk, covered and soaked with some type of blood. As I stood in awe, I looked around me, and saw nothing but a gorish I ran back to my house, and looked in the mirror, I saw, a horrible blue eyed beast. As I jolted backwards in fear, I fainted……………..TO BE CONTINUED^—^

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