I like your humor. You seem to write more naturally with it than with your more serious stories.
The opening paragraph is kinda clunky, mostly the "her"s so close together.
The opening paragraph and closing paragraph and a half are sort of generic modernism, while the rest is more like a folk tale- verbal, repeating phrases and sequences, so on.
The pacing would feel better if there were three encounters, if there’s room. Folk tales tend very strongly to follow very few set patterns. Even if that’s not what you’re going for, it’d feel better.
I think you meant “pointed to the ribs”. It’s a small mistake, but I found it jarring for some reason.
I loved the closing, it made me laugh. It reminded me of “I won’t buy this record, it is scratched” for some reason.
There is no other word to use but eerie, for that is what your comment was. I had a third encounter at the florist but it simply would not fit. As for the folk tale feeling, I am currently studying fairy tales and folklore. I guess the whole formula must be ingrained in me. I love your comments and what you ask for your commentators. There’s no reason to sugarcoat when all we are doing is aiding the creative process with constructive criticism. Thank you!