Nice job scaring the passengers. And that sounds fun (but would he need oxygen up there?). And one other thing I noticed, would a plane actually have a steering ‘wheel’?
Awesome. But, yeah, planes have things like those ones you use on video games… like half a steering will. Not a gearstick. Other than that I’m liking the suicidal plane driver (as I used to want to be). Nice one.
Yea haha some editing is needed i guess, i wrote this awhile ago, and the steering wheel is supposed to be the car he is driving on the way to the airport. I cant figure out how to make paragraphs on here. Thanks for the comments!
As for paragraphs, there’s no such thing as indent here. If you want to make it look nice and paragraphy you have to double space like I did in this comment.
I love this! It gets me out of my head, where I normally think, and puts me in some pilot who always had the dream to be in NASA but never made it there. Now he’d do anything to fulfill his childhood dreams. This is incredible!