
Tee and La: Our Rooms

“Well, as long as you two are going to stay here, I should show you where you can sleep,” Varkus said. He motioned us forward, then left the room, and we followed. We walked down the dark hallway that was all to familiar. The long dark red drapes that framed the big windows. The high ceiling and low chandeliers. The long black rug that ran from one end of the hallway to the other.
“La. This is your room,” Varkus said suddenly. I looked in the room he was pointing to. It was large, and looked similar to his room. Four post bed, big windows, black drapes. I noted that my room was only a few steps away from his.
I stood in the doorway, and watched him take Tee to her room. Her room was at the end of the hallway! Tee smiled at him, then went into her room. I wonder what it looked like. Then I closed the door as soon as Varkus turned around. I slummped down on the bed, thinking about what to do next.
Knock, knock, knock.

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