
Li'l Cap'n America

Tommy wanted nothing more than to be Steve Rogers. Who’s Steve Rogers? Well you don’t know your comic books now do ya? Steve Rogers is known by a different name: Captain America.

Tommy was only 10, and yet he knew everything there was to know about Steve and his sidekick Bucky. Posters lined his walls, he had t-shirts and toys with Captain America’s unmistakable Red White and Blue costume. For Christmas when he was 6, his mom gave him the Captain’s shield. She didn’t have the heart to tell him it was only a painted tire’s hubcap, because she couldn’t afford the replica at the comic book store. Either way though when Tommy saw it he thought it was the real thing! He even cried a little because he thought that the real Captain America needed it and Tommy felt bad that he had it.

Yep, he lived and breathed the ideals of the Cap’n.

Tommy didn’t know it when he got off that school bus at Ash Park on a field trip, that that day would start his journey into whom we now know Tommy as: Li’l Cap’n America.

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