
Falling Fire -- The Uprising

Falling Fire: The Uprising

INTRO: Somehow, Firefox survived. Nobody knows how. What we do know is that it is now encroaching again.

SOME TIME INTO THE FUTURE: It is now the year 2014. We are organising ninjas to enter the Mozilla headquarters. It is a long, dangerous way.

APRIL 25: Finally ready. It took months to set up. We will enter tomorrow.

APRIL 26: Disaster has struck. The security system activated, causing a master override of all systems. Unfortunately, this includes the mechanical doors in this place. We got out, though.

LATER THAT DAY: We found the core computer!

First, The original file has had 100 overwrites.

I pressed a button saying “Update Version”. it replied with ENTER FILE NAME. I put in my USB stick and typed F:/blank.txt.


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