

It was a vast field of stars, but it looked like it was close enough to touch. Indeed, if she didn’t know better she’d have thought she could stick her hand out the window and grab the stars, like little flecks of broken glass.

They were not, of course. They hadn’t been any of the other days either. Nearly six years they’d spent aboard this ship, watching the stars pass by out of those windows, slipping silently through space to who-the-hell-knows-where. Lucy had just turned ten when her family had boarded this ship. After the disasters back there, no one was staying; it was a scramble for any available transportation. They’d found this one.

The crew, of course, had done everything they could to make this place feel like a home. Her parents acted like they’d been there all their lives. And the twins were young enough then that they could adjust to their new surroundings. It was only her … she was the one who couldn’t adjust. Such was life here. And it had been … six long years.

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