A First Meeting.
I found my algebra classroom just as the bell rang. When my teacher saw me, he asked my name. “Veronica Bono?” I asked, as if I was unsure. He pointed me to the third desk and I hurriedly sat down. I waited for my heart to stop pounding before I looked round the room. All the other kids had that same freshman-first-day expression, petrified and confused. But one boy caught my eye. He looked stunned, almost, as he looked at me, and I couldn’t tear my eyes from his. His eyes were a beautiful gold color, with a touch of blue and green. I felt my heart stop before I flushed and turned away. I tried to listen to my teacher, but I felt a pair of eyes on my back. I turned to see that boy again, still watching me, amazed. I gave a little smile before turning back around. What was his name? I tried to remember a name, but came up empty-handed. I heard my teacher call out a name, Fish? I turned to see if it was that boy, but no one in the second row had a hand up. Crap. Suddenly the bell rang, and I fled the room.