
Colors of Magic: White

The White Planeswalker believes in ideals; Justice, Community. For the White Planeswalker Life is something sacred and precious, she will go to great lengths in order to protect hers and that of her vassals. Soldiers, knights, paladins, the greatest of heroes are at the White Planeswalker service. She instills in them a sense of duty and solidarity, values discipline and chastises laziness and complacence.

Strength lies in numbers and there is no room for selfishness. Individuality is the greatest sin. Failing to share one’s goods with others is akin to stealing and it shares the same penalty; banishment. Of course, a repentant individual can still subject herself to a period of serfdom to return to the fold.

When The White Planeswalker is good she is fair and compassionate, when she is evil she is fascist and oppressive.

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