
Colors of Magic: Red

The Red Planeswalker is the embodiment of chaos and the raw power of Fire and Earth. For the Red Planeswalker Destruction is an end in itself, she will go to great lengths in order to set the world on fire and have another be born from the ashes. Goblins, Giants, Barbarians, the fiercest of warriors are at the Red Planeswalker service. She instills in them courage and relentlessness.

The mightiest shall rule and there is no room for compassion or measure. There is not too young and there is no growing old, you enter the world fighting and leave it with an axe in hand. Scars and missing fingers are the greatest medals of honors for a warrior.If you are no good at fighting you are no good at living, as simple as that.

When The Red Planeswalker is good she is dynamic and brave, when she is evil she is blind and destructive.

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