The Beginning of the Night
Both of her parents were out of town that weekend, so it startled her even worse when she heard an obknoxious noise coming from the room down the hall, especially at the late hour that it was. It sounded like the window had opened for the rain outside had suddenly become much more audible. Too frightened to move she sat still on her bed in her thin shirt and lingerie.
She caught her breath as she heard the slow thumping of feet grow closer and closer to her door. The sound stopped outside her door, and her frenzied mind suddenly grew still in anticipation. The door was slowly pushed open, but she was more than relieved to see his tall, lean figure standing in the doorway.
“Aaron! Good God! Your scared me! What’re you doing here??” He did not answer but instead slowly began to fall. The girl jumped off the bed and quickly put her hands on his chest to support his weight. She leaned him up against the wall and gently took his face in her hands. “Look at me,” she said worried but softly.