This is going nowhere good. You need another ‘to’ in the first sentence and the punctuation needs some editing in the second. Anyways, I liked it. It was original and has the potential to really crank up the creep factor in following sequels.
This is going nowhere good.
You need another ‘to’ in the first sentence and the punctuation needs some editing in the second.
Anyways, I liked it. It was original and has the potential to really crank up the creep factor in following sequels.
Thanks for picking up the mistakes. I chalk it up to it’s 2am. I don’t know what it is but it feels weirdly awesome to get into this guys head. I wouldn’t want to live there, but a visit isn’t too bad. haha Thanks again!
Thanks for picking up the mistakes. I chalk it up to it’s 2am.
I don’t know what it is but it feels weirdly awesome to get into this guys head. I wouldn’t want to live there, but a visit isn’t too bad. haha
Thanks again!