
This is Hell

I bolted forward as the scream of falling bombs, and the whistle of mortars rang out around, instantly drowned out by their explosions. Above me, a viscous air battle raged, explosions lighting up the night sky, burning fuselages slamming into the ground around me. In front of me, the enemy waited, rifles and machine guns blazing, a torrential wall of deadly metal. Behind me, artillery was pounding the ground into dust, sending shrapnel and body parts flying. Beside me, my ever diminishing comrades fought on, against the wave of gunfire.

I raised my rifle, aiming down at the enemy squad crouching behind the bush that was showering my squad with deadly rounds. I squeeze the trigger, and watch the rifle buck and the enemy drop, but I hear no sound over the sound of explosions.

“God, what am I doing here?” I wonder. Time seems to slow to a halt around me. I can see bullets whizzing past me, my friend go down in a hail of blood and bullets.

As a round burrows through my chest, I realise this is hell.

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