nearly impossible, though we do say near, creative license or no, your choice.
ughhh, which one do u think i should use?
i’d take out “whenever it feels like just too much” because you never finish that fragment, and fix nearly. Try that and reread it to yourself.
opps… i totally had a line there that is no longer there… ill fix that
there =). better?
although, I could be accussed of being wax-poetic at times, I much prefer ‘nigh impossible’… it just seems more poetic. anywho, this was a good emotionally charged poem.
although, I could be accussed of being wax-poetic at times, I much prefer ‘nigh impossible’… it just seems more poetic.
anywho, this was a good emotionally charged poem.
very emotional and very well put together
but nigh would be out of place with the rest of the simple words. If you put in a nigh, you’d have to have a thee or thou or something more formal. Just my opinion. Yes, blu, that is better. :)