
Getting Caught in the Storm

“Maddy!” Sam and I squeeled in delight and ran up to give her a big group hug.

We all disolved into giggles as Maddy introduced us to her mom. After we all help Maddy get her stuff and pack it into the car. As we pilled into the car, Maddy’s mom told us to be careful. We promised we would and headed out.

About five miles from the border, we got caught in a massive storm. We pulled into the first hotel we could find to stay for the night. It was much earlier then we had planned to stop.

After checking in, I called Thomas to let him know what was going on. We weren’t sure how long the storm was going to last, so we weren’t sure if we would make it to his house on time. I promised we would try though. I said good night to him soon because I planned to crash early, in hopes that we could leave in the middle of the night.

Sam and Maddy stayed up and left me to sleep. Around eleven o’clock, Sam woke me up to tell me the storm had passed. With four hours of sleep on my part, we were on the road again.

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