Your Touch
Your fingers traced their way around my body
playing me like your piano.
Your breath spoke to me,
deep and melodious.
Your hair tangled, gracelessly beneath you.
We were one,
for a few brief moments of our past.
Your musicians hands,
your soul searching endless eyes peering into the depths of my very core.
Our acts
momentary and enlightening.
Never simple humans, we experienced for life,
not for love.
We moved into the realms of calm complacency, the tension never full easing,
neither of us willing to admit our need for one another.
I hold back touching your hand, or stroking your hair,
for fear of ruining the position
I have graciously placed myself in.
Side glances, careful tentative impersonal hugs.
My first though upon seeing you,
my subconscious shouting to the front of my mind,
“Never let on you think of him pleasuring you
when you are pleasuring yourself.”