Horrific situation, really felt like a scene out of a trippy horror movie. Bonus points for the reference in the title, which I won’t give away for those not familiar with Schneider’s area of work.
This thing really gets tense at the end with the narrator’s frenzied thoughts. Also, the title made me click, so good job on that. As for who Schneider is, given THX’s occupation I have a pretty good guess.
I would change on thing, though. In your “like anesthesia” sentence, that comma interrupts the pacing. I would replace it with “numbness—like anesthesia wearing off—kept me” or something to that effect. Other than that, good ficly. Nice descriptions, and it raises lots of questions.
Thank you for your comments. @ THX- I appreciate that but unless they feel like looking it up, they’ll likely leave confused. @ Stovohobo- Made the alterations requested. If you come back to this tell me if it looks like you imagined.
THX 0477
Robert Quick