The world was ending, one wombat at a time. They started falling from the sky a few days ago, one by one. There was no direct cause, no opening ceremony. God didn’t come down from the heavens and say “Hey guys, it’s going to start raining wombats now.” No, the poor creatures just inexplicably started to rain down upon the earth. No cause, just effect.
I was walking to school yesterday, and I saw a man screaming as he ran through the streets. He was shouting, “THE BASTARDS, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE?!”
It’s become sort of a common occurrence now.
The President resigned this morning. He fumbled through his speech, and his face was completely ashen during the entire thing. There was a brief moment at the end though, a moment that was burned directly into my mind. He looked up into the camera with his big blue eyes, and the world got to see the perfect mixture of sadness and terror. Everyone’s reflection was in those eyes.
We try to live the same way we did before this started. It’s the only way we know how.