Troop Movements?
Ahead on the road, what looked to be several garrisons’ worth of soldiers walked in formation. I hastily lit our lanterns, but they didn’t improve the twilit conditions, and it remained hard to see. Ben slowed this time, and like a gunshot the engine backfired again.
We were noticed, and waved on through. I’m sure my eyes were as wide as my fellows’. I’d never seen such a number of soldiers, let alone this close. I couldn’t recognize their allegiance, but they were heading toward Dracarta. Then Peter tapped my shoulder and pointed. We drove past a line of siege engines, over twenty in all, hauled by oxen and pushed by men. The clamor was astounding.
It took the better part of half an hour to bypass them. By that point it was near dark, and we were quite shaken. Suddenly the familiar countryside seemed more sinister. These happenings were not usual. Who were these men? Could they mean to attack Dracarta? If so, why let us through?
Too many questions. We drove onward, with greater haste.