Uhm. I’ll be the one to step up and say something.
You do know this is a writing site, for short stories, correct? In literature, things have to be grammatically correct, otherwise you don’t seem at all educated.
Here we just try and help. You take criticism however you’d like, but everyone on here believes in honesty. Either bluntly or nicely, everyone is honest.
Sure good writing is an opinion, but grammar isn’t. Grammar is a fact, there is no opinion on how to spell “are”.
You can spell it “r” if you’d like. My point is that the grammar is not what is important. You should look past it and actually try and understand the story instead of picking apart every little spelling mistake and then writing them in your comments. Thats the editors job.
If you don’t want to write stories then don’t, but this is just slander against the people on this site. If you don’t want to be a part of it then don’t contribute. The fact is that no one here thinks their stories are “superior”, we just want honest feedback, and sometimes we flop. And, yes, good writing is an opinion but it isn’t only your opinion that matters, and I’m sure you don’t think that or you wouldn;t post stories one here. Also, whilst we will write comments about the story, the grammar and spelling isn’t going to be corrected by an editor on here, so we like to point it out so that it’s the best possible quality. The fact is that any comments on your grammar or style or whatever are purely to help you.
Well, it came across that you didn’t, and that you thought we were all superior and looked down on your writing or whatever. That’s why there is a massive rant there :P
@Undyingspring it actually shows how educated or uneducated you are dear. And someday_93 you are correct in what you said beside that fact that I am not a “him”.
Oh so I have to like cats? I feel violated by your tone. Another thing that pisses me off so much that a lot of you seem to have in common is telling me what to do and how I should think. You all want me to be the same way as you. And what do you mean by “I understand why this was featured”? How does a story get featured?
first off, this is less of a story and more of a gripe against certain ficliteers who have offended you. So really I can’t critique this properly, other than tell you don’t be a douchebag, and just write.
That may sound offensive, but wake up, and smell the ficly. You joined Ficly to write and have it read…and from the stuff of yours I’ve read so far, you have some skill. don’t waste it in tirades about how everyone is against you, or in backhanded comments. It just alienates people from reading your stuff; even the people who may agree with you.
Here’s the short of it, I’ve love to read…my comment to story ratio is around 30 to 1…so for every story I’ve written, I’ve written 30 comments…and 95% of those comments have been on other people’s stories. I try to make my comments helpful. And I try to read most stories on ficly, but give me something I want to read, and I’ll give you some good feedback
This isn’t a story but more a complaint directed at the peers on this site. I think that your aggression when addressing the topic of opinion within writing is proving to be controversial, but you should try to understand that everything you write here is going to be critiqued and judged in some manner. There isn’t much leeway when it comes to grammar, but that doesn’t mean your piece can’t be opinionated and great.
I regret to inform you that you are visiting a writing site, and people expect a certain level of grammar. I mean sure, everyone makes mistakes, and it isn’t always necessary to comment on the errors, but you need to look at it from their point of view.
You are here presumably to improve your writing skills. As such, people will read your stories and point out the errors so that you can fix them. I guess the problem arises when you don’t learn from those mistakes and then start to rage against those trying to help you.
People here are not picky, or snobbish, or perfectionists. Everyone makes mistakes. Learn from them, and your writing will improve. Writing an angry tirade will just alienate everyone.
More than anything it’s saddening that you feel this way – I appreciate that sometimes reviews here on Ficly can come across more prickly than they might be intended, but essentially we’re all at different stages in our journey – and some people critique as they would like to be critiqued – in detail with perfection as the aim.
I don’t think this was necessarily the most tactful way to vent your frustration, but to an extent I see your point – and as a community it is one that we need to respect.
Chris you need a hug. This site does not thrive or grow and the pride we have in our stories, and ability, ficly feeds on the altruistic, efforts of the reader giving their time to someone else’s work. Chris why don’t you just drink a glass of hot tea settle down and reintroduce yourself, then become one of us. you cant beat us… Hell AOL couldnt, so just relax and become one of us. we have room for another passionate writer, we aren’t against you we need, passion and termoil we are writers. by the way how did you like that runon? oh yeah and get a pic they are freakin free.
Man, I’m sorry that you feel this way. But their isn’t a person on this site who loves to point out grammar issues, we aim to show you how to improve your story for other people – constructive criticism.
Oh, and grammar doesn’t show how educated or uneducated you are, some of the greatest writers of history have gone without a formal education – “Thank goodness I never went to school, it would have rubbed off some of the originality.” One of my favourite quotes, and that was said by none other than Beatrix Potter. Grammar shows your ability to string together sentences, so maybe triple-Chris has a point in his rant, since most of us have no idea what grammar is.
One last point, I feel compelled to rate as a 1, since you rated yourself 5.
Oh my goodness gracious! I thought you said you DIDN’T like drama. But you sure act like it. Or maybe it’s just attention that you like. It’s okay for people to critique your writing! If you don’t want them to, DON’T PUTTHEM ON A WRITINGSITE. Anyway, you’re probably going to comment back on this within several hours saying something sarcastic and feeling as if you are misunderstood by the rest of us. Sorry you feel that way (in advance for any comments you may make). And keep on writing if you like to, but please stop complaining about corrections. We’re just trying to help. :)
You basically just repeated the same things that everyone else has been saying. Why is it ok for you to correct me but you would think I was starting drama if I corrected your comment? You seem like just as much of a snob as people are saying I am.
Wow!!! Really???? As I say this really, I am directing it at every single comment posted on this story. YES it is a story. Now, I feel really alone because I quite enjoyed this. I haven’t read anything with such emotion.
What we are overlooking is that this is a writing website…and he is writing. I mean heck, I have a facebook page as a story on here. I have several letters to people. And I have seen im chats, text messages, stories that don’t even finish a whole sentence because they are clauses.
To chris, I do realize that this is partly directed at me, and i understand the frustration of writing a story and having no one read it, but thats first thing that happens to all of us. We, as writers, crave feedback, and when it’s not good we get hurt.
I, too, have written stories with bad grammar and spelling on purpose, and when people tell me the errs I tell them I put it that way to stay in character. However, normally when any of us write a story we strive to use our best english. And, therefore, when people comment, they do it more as a favor than anything else. I tell Elsha that her where should be a wear, and she tells me that my witch should be a which.
In this way, we were just acting out of what is normal for this website: pick at a story like chickens and seeds until all the tiny errors are gone.
I agree that grammar isn’t everything. I don’t live by it, but I will definitely worry about it when it comes time to write my college essays.
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