

Fine, white sand, the coolth of clean, cyan water, and mounds of coral in the distance. Fish but none are nearby, except for one large grouper.

I reach for a plastic bag containing food morsels that I had set aside at breakfast. I instantly have the grouper’s rapt attention as it hovers at arm’s length in front of me. I release the first morsel. In an instant, the grouper’s maw engulfs the food and the grouper repositions itself half an arm’s length away. I fiddle for another morsel.

The grouper strikes for the plastic bag. We scuffle. The grouper booms, filling the water with low frequency sound. Pirouetting, we each struggle to get possession of the bag. It’s in my hand, but my hand is in the grouper’s mouth. Seconds after the struggle begins, it ends. My hand is empty, and the grouper has ingested the plastic bag.

I look at the grouper, and see the impending death that I have caused. I’m an idiot.

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