
Based On A Future True Story

“It seemed like a good idea at the time; this pill makes you feel good, and so does this one. So I took them both and everything went great for a while. Whenever I was asked how I was feeling it was always the same response, “AWEsome”, followed by a stupid grin and a giggle. This kept up for a while…too long to be exact. Til one day I learned of the consequences."

“I ended up on the floor, unresponsive and twitching. When I came to, I was experiencing the worst panic attack of my life. The worst part of it all was that as soon as I had calmed down I popped 2 more of the pills. That time things didn’t end so well. I ended up passing out and in a coma. I almost died that day. Do you want to know the saddest part? The first thing I asked the doctors for when i woke up was more pills.”

“That brings me to where I am now, in front of all of you. After everything I’ve gone through and everything I’ve experienced I only have one thing to say to you all,”

“Hello, my name is J, and I’m addicted to painkillers.”

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