

I used to be really annoyed by the pulse of the heart monitor I’m connected to, but that was quite some while ago and I no longer notice it.

I can see you there, dreamer, standing beside my bed. Your warm smile soothes all of my fears and concerns. I know you’re not really here, but I see you so clearly. I feel your soft touch, I hear your calm voice. I look forward to being with you again soon, dreamer. Very soon.

I’ve lived an interesting and long life, and I have you to thank for it. When I lost you a few years ago, it nearly killed me then. I was incomplete before I met you, and I have been incomplete since you left.

The kids brought me a photo album, a summation of my life, of our life. You are on every single page. I enjoy gazing upon your smile. I could easily have spent my life doing so.

Later, you take me into the warmth of your arms. The sound within the room changes. The pulse of the heart monitor changes to a steady tone. You pull me to my feet, dreamer. We leave together.

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