Contingency A
I read over the Ficly story that I just wrote. It seems good, I’m happy with it, and it expresses the ideas that I wanted to get across. I hit the publish! button. It gets posted to the web site where any number of anonymous people can read it. Perhaps they will and perhaps they won’t. But it isn’t worth worrying about, so I carry on with my day.
I check over the essay that I had to write for my English class, Multiple Levels of Metaphor in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus. I must have really been on my game when I wrote it last night. It’s tight and well-reasoned, and it’s sure to get me an A. Well, maybe a B+ at least. It’s easily the best essay that I’ve ever written.
School goes well. The calculus quiz was a bit tougher than expected, but I think I got through it alright.
When I get home, I check in at Ficly to find that two sequels have been written for the story that I published that morning. One of the sequels is pretty good, but the other one could have been better.