
Monster 5

You see the man had a daughter. She was about the same age as me. She’s was super pretty and smart and all, just like he is. But she didn’t act the same way as him. She was mean, really mean. She called him names and ran off with strangers who vandalized his car. But the worst thing she ever did, was sneak out her back door, and tap on my window.
I never opened the window. I was too afraid too. I knew what would happen if I did, so I just covered my head in my pillow. Underneath all of that fluff I could hear Toby open it though. I could hear him take out the monster, and give her some.
Once, for the man’s sake, I asked Toby to stop giving her the monster. I knew that if he kept giving it to her, she would end up like me. And I couldn’t bear to see that man’s daughter end up like me. But Toby never listened though. He was smart. He would give me a portion of the monster, knowing that I would calm down.That didn’t work though when she died.

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