nicely done. there is a subtle difference between lying for fear of the repercussion of hurting someone else, and lying because of self denial and not wanting to be truthful to your self. the sad part is it took him/her 3 years to stop lying to oneself and tell the truth.
Perhaps it wasn’t three years of lying – but rather it took that long to realize the feelings that brought them together weren’t truly love – and after that time it’s best to face the now understood truth than to hide it and keep plodding along.
This seems like a friend telling someone they need to be honest with someone…
Personally – I would’ve liked the end to be more of a “Because after three years, I owe it to you to tell you that much”, but that’s just me – cuz I’d like to know that the truth, however painful, is being faced.
There’s a lot of tact here – it is known how painful truth can be, but it’s clearly expressed that you’ve got to do it anyway.
Truth without sympathy can be cruel, but that’s not the case here.