The End
A Thousand Years Later
In a wasteland, young slave boy Ulkaa’ismu is digging for spice deposits. His tentacles caress the red sand. His eyes wandered and caught a glint of something shiny. He walked over, and saw something odd. He brought it to the attention of the driver, and he brought Ulkaa’ismu with him to see the Elder.
Thak’dall, a High Elder, is being crowded by bustling soldiers. Cries of “Ack’mashael!” and “Ikpa-moso!” echo through the room. Lieutenant Bish’maal walks over to the Elder and hands him a metal briefcase. Thak’dall’s tentacles embrace the handle and open the rusted latches. He picks up a yellow piece of paper, splattered with a red substance he has never seen before. On it, a strange-looking humanoid creature stands with a smaller one in his arms. “Bikmah’shell. Ismut’mahaal. Vikktacu!” The room cheers with pride and glasses clink as the Sporadites cheer for their ancient discovery.