
Charity isn’t the easiest thing to give, especially when you’re someone like me. We live in a small semi- in the heart of Bucks, and before that we lived in the poorest part of Cardiff. So, when I see appeals on the TV, although my heart goes out to the people in them, it’s a day’s worth of pay to really make a difference.

One thing I’ve always been good at was vocabulary. I don’t know why, but it I see the word efficacious, I immediately can deduce what it means. It’s not a particularly useful talent, at least, not until now.

Rummaging amongst the adverts of the internet, I saw one that caught my eye.
For each answer you get right, we will donate ten grains of rice throught the World Food Progamme to end world hunger.

Somehow, I’d found my way to give back, through my absurd ability to deduce the synonyms of abstract words.
It may not be much but it’s the best I can give.
My gift is my words, and these are for you…

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