

“Alright, so we’ve found him. How does this help us?”

Will, better known among his underground compatriots as Gizmo, searched his companions’ faces for the doubting Thomas.

“How does this help?” he repeated, narrowing his sharp eyes.

“Yeah.” He turned sharply to his right. Gizmo couldn’t help but smirk; the questioner happened to be Thomas.

“I mean,” Thomas continued bravely, “we’ve found the remains of our idol. We have the bones of a dead genius, how does this help our cause?”

Gizmo approached this doubter, the others shuffling back to give their unofficial leader space. “How does this help?” he echoed quietly. “We find the remains of the only one able to counter Edison and bring down his regime, and you’re wondering how this’ll help?”

“Well, yes. You said it yourself, they’re remains. It’s not like any of us are well-versed in reanimation or anything.”

Gizmo’s smirk widened as he placed a hand on Thomas’ shoulder. “Thomas, are you familiar with Tesla’s notes on the very subject of reanimation?”

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