Maybe Cassie
“I don’t think I believe in forever.”
The look on his face is as if she’s slapped him, but she just looks at the floor, drawing swirly patterns in the dust with her index finger.
“Hey Cassie?”
“Why were you there?”
“At that club. Doing…that.”
She shakes her head, lips pressed tightly together. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
There is a brief silence as she continues doodling mindlessly on the floor.
“What do you mean you don’t believe in forever?”
“I just mean…forever is a really, really long time. It seems…hard to believe that anything could last that long.”
“You didn’t correct me that time. When I called you Cassie.”
“Everyone calls me Cassandra now.”
“Because you were the one who called me Cassie.”