
Heaven is a Thing to be Earned

Waking up, I struggled to remember what had happened to me. For a few seconds my world was lit white before calming to a clear shade of blue.

Good morning, Caris. The voice came clear from the air around me, not through any set of lips. Focusing, my eyes hit the beauty of the man in front of me. Great white wings sprung from his back, lit by the halo around his bright blonde hair.

“What happened to me?” I managed to say.
You died, he said, the smile not dying in his eyes. But it’s OK.

I stood up and finally took in my surroundings. The sky was a bright summer blue, dotted with small puffy clouds, drifting like ships across the ocean.
Beneath my bare feet I felt the soft crunch of fresh grass as I reluctantly walked over to a grand mirror.
Looking in, I saw all the proof I needed. The years had dropped off my skin, leaving me the eighteen-year-old I always regretted not being.
“My own personal heaven,” I whispered. “I only hope I can keep it.”

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