Ah, this person’s in for refusing to fight and for running when the powers that be tried to force him. He’d destroy the world because he has some special power or abilities, at least that’s what I’m thinking. Thank you very much for reading. I’m glad you’re intrigued. That makes me happy.
You actually had me thinking of ghandi. They did give him a gun. Not a tangible one but the gun of authority. And he seriously did take the world. Still an awesome piece! :)
Thinking of Ghandi is good. He certainly did his best to take the world…to make it a better place. Thanks for reading and for your kind words. I appreciate it.
I like it, even with a fragment or two thrown in. It reads like a word of warning regarding the temptations that come with power, as power is so often associated with a gun. Nice job on the challenge.
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on this for me. I’m glad you enjoyed it. What you say about power is true. My hero didn’t want anything to do with it or its repercussions. :o)