This is an interesting snapshot. It made me think of a near death experience. Is that what was intended. It has a very otherworldly feel to it. Nice job! Thanks for sharing. BTW, love the title…does it refer to the hero or to the door, or what’s behind the door?
Love: title and it’s a great start! In true self-style I have to say that the first line could have been broken up better, for instance: There was no floor beneath my feet. A feeling of nothingness enveloped me; no hot, no cold – not even the air that surrounded me. (Just a suggestion) Can’t wait for the rest!
Deane, I see what you are sayign an di may use soemof that advice. thanks for the comment =) and Thanks to the peopel who left the other comments as well
I’m left with a sense of unbalance, the result of your description of what could only be described as some kind of void. Imagining a directionless place such as you described has my head spinning. Very intriguing.
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
Scrawler's Secret
ElshaHawk (LoA)