
The second Foot Binding

Mother looked at me with her “serious” eyes. “Orchid, you are marrying out in five days. This is the last footbinding you will see in this house. Watch with careful eyes. Move as I move. Your future daughters will need the same attention.”
I listened to her, watching her take a hold of third sister’s left ankle. She held it tightly, and I did the same with her right. Third sister wiggled, trying to move from her chair. Our cousins surrounded her and warned her not to fidget. Otherwise, her fate would be as perilous as elder sisters had been.

Thrid sister sat still as I pushed her toes back as far as they could go. I wished for her feet to be as small as mine, and I carefully followed mothers instructions. Third sister screamed in pain and twitched with horror. I was concentrating too hard to listen.
When we were done, mother nodded in approval. “Orchid, you have done well.”

Five days later I was married out to a very wealthy man. Since then I have only seen third sister once. Her feet are beautiful.

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