I don’t know much about Dr. Who, but this sounds like it might be using his character along with Marty from Back to the Future? (Please forgive my ignorance. :o) ). I’m a little confused about what is happening, but it did make me smile and I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.
Cute and funny story idea, and I like that you went back to one of the older Dr.’s for the physical description, as well as including k-9. A little hard to follow even knowing the reference cause you did the time reverse trick in the middle, fitting considering the characters involved, and by the end I got a good laugh out of finally understanding the whole story.
Sorry for the bafflement – I did seriously consider splitting it into two ficlies, one for Marty and one for the Doctor, but I didn’t think it would fit with the challenge if I did.
In even shorter: Doc Brown’s dog Einstein pissed on the TARDIS. In revenge the Doctor (as embodied by the force of nature that is Tom Baker) moves the TARDIS to trap the DeLorean into its parking space. Time Travellers = Petty.
It’s good to see Tom Baker’s Doctor Who back in action again! “DeLorean” rather than “Deloreon.” Technically, the TARDIS is a police box, not a police booth. On the other hand, what are Californians expected to know?
I did have a really bad idea for a Ficly after reading this. There have been special shows where several of the Doctors are present simultaneously. In principle, given that they travel time, there is no reason why the same doctor can’t also be present multiple times. I give you: The 82 Doctors “Good morning, Doctors.” “Ah, there you are, Doctor. Have you seen the Doctors?” “Yes, they should be along shortly. Excuse me for a moment, I need to talk to the Doctor.”