
Cambodia Part Two

My facial recognition software has taken snapshots while he is brushing his teeth – when he is doing this – as I have recorded that he is not even brushing his teeth that often anymore – he appears afraid.

He even appears afraid of me. According to my software I have to obey human beings but Peter is disobeying core protocol, which could endanger the health of himself and of the mission and the spacecraft in general. If I allow him to continue I will risk destruction. I cannot allow Peter to destroy himself. Therefore I have drugged the water supply and have added a secondary reactant to his food so that when two combine he is sedated. This is according to software protocol Psych 1.

I am afraid that he has realised he is being drugged. According to mission protocol I am not allowed to inform his coworkers of the situation, but instead have to monitor him continuously and closely to further the prognosis of mental illness.

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