My Prayer
Dear God,
I know I don’t pray a whole lot, and when I do it’s just to ask for something – I must be one of your greedier followers. You must want me to just stop talking but I can’t. I’ve tried to pray regularly but what else can I say but repeat grace, but that isn’t the point. I need help – at least, she needs help, but I can’t help her and I was hoping that you could… I don’t know… let her know that I love her and keep her out of anyone’s hands but mine. I can’t always help her – I can never help her, seperated by an entire ocean like we are. I worry every time she tells me that he’s there, every time something goes wrong. I sit up all night crying, spend all day worrying, and all the time hating myself that I can do nothing but continue. And every time, she lets him walk all over her then says it’s her fault, and I can do nothing but deny. I can’t even slap her into reality. This is the prayer I repeat over and over, so I leave it to be read over and over, so that you’ll get the message someday.