
Two More for the Farm

The old farm was known to be dangerous. Though it was deserted, many people had disappeared over the years on that ancient land. Horrible sounds and strange lights made for good ghost stories but finally the police of Larson County installed signs around the property warning of falling rocks, wild animals, and poisonous gasses. None of it was true though and no one ever did find the missing people.

Eddie and Jeremy were young and stupid and they wanted to conquer the old farmhouse- sleep there, maybe grab a souvenir and leave in the morning- as heroes.

“C’mon Eddie.” Jeremy whispered.

“I can’t, I’m stuck.” Eddie said.

“What do you mean you’re stuck?” Jeremy looked back at Eddie and saw his friend had snagged his foot on something coming out of the floorboards.

It looked like a human hand.

Jeremy shined his flashlight on it and both of the kids began screaming.

In the distance, Moe heard horrible sounds and saw strange lights but he paid them no attention.

And no one found Eddie or Jeremy either.

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