I deleted my comment on accident. Balls. So once again, this story reminds me of ‘To Build a Fire’ by Jack London. I think you did a good job bringing the need for fire into the fore front. Minor suggestions- I feel that the first sentence of the last paragraph should be the last sentence of the piece. It would give an extra final parallel to the man’s upcoming demise. I realize that changing anything at this point will be difficult because you’ve already used the allotted 1024 and it would change the last paragraph completely. If you manage that another minor suggestion would be to add maybe one more sentence about the lack of firewood. Both of these suggestions are minor- I already like the story.
Well, this is a very interesting story, but I feel it is more about the camper, rather than the fire. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a great story, but it just doesn’t fit the challenge requirements. Just thought I’d let you know, just in case you wanted to make another entry.